Petzi Review
Buying a pet cam is an excellent way to stay in touch with your cat when you are away. In researching pet cameras, it seems there are a few top ones out there to choose from. Each has similar basic features but also try to distinguish their product from the rest of the pack. Check out our Petzi review to see if this is the one for you.

Review of Petzi Treat Cam
Petzi is a popular choice for dog and cat owners. There are rave reviews, and most seem to be quite pleased with the unit. It has a clean and simple app interface. It has the one-way video and audio features. The big distinguisher for the Petzi Treat Cam is the infrared camera with night vision. It allows you to check in on your pet and adjusts to the lighting so even in the dark, you can see your cat or dog.
About Petzi the Company
Petzila is the parent company that makes the Petzi treat cams. It was founded in 2013. The mission of the company was to bring pets and their owners closer by utilizing modern day technology. Petzila is a US based company with headquarters in San Jose, California.
Petzila considers themselves a leader in IoT (Internet of Things) regarding pet solutions and currently have many patents pending promoting technological solutions to improve health, training, interactivity between pets and their owners and over well being for animals and their parents. The Petzi team works hards to make pet homes happy and healthy places for both cats and dogs and their owners.
Functions of the Petzi Cam
- See you pet
- Talk to your pet
- Give out treats
- Take snapshot photos

As you can, the Petzi app has an intuitive and easy to use interface. Each function can be initiated by simply pressing a button.
Petzi App
Petzi works using a free app you can download for your iPhone or Android device. It also works on iPads. The app can be downloaded to your device and it can used by more than one person so all members of the family can see and interact with your pet. You can even grant access to other friends and relatives if you’d like or if they are pet sitting while you are away as an additional way to check in our your pets. Petzi works using your home Wi-Fi connection.
Petzi Camera
Petzi has a wide angle camera with night vision, so you don’t have to worry about the lighting. Regardless of the time of day, you will be able to see your pet.
How to Set Up Petzi Treat Cam
In this video, you can see a step by step guide on how to set up your Petzi Treat Cam. You can also see where you put the treats in the unit and how the dispenser shoots them out for your pet.
3 Options for Mounting Petzi
The Petzi Treat Cam comes with three ways to mount the device. You can mount it on the wall, stand it up on a sturdy, flat surface or you can use the velcro straps to attach it to a post. Petzi lets you pick which is best depending on where you will be putting your treat cam. Watch the video to see all mounting choices in action.
What Petzi Owners Have to Say
- Petzi has helped curtail anxiety and bad behavior
- Being able to see, speak and give treats has been more beneficial than therapy or medication for our pet
- Provides comfort knowing you can check in and see your pets when you are away
- Many have said there is a slight time delay as you switch from one function to the next
Additional Information About the Petzi Treat Cam
The treat dispenser is small but it users say you can put small milk bones in it for dogs, so for cats the size should be more than sufficient.
It dispenses a few treats at a time so it would not be suitable to use if you only want to give one medicated type treat.
It is not designed for outdoor use, and it is not waterproof.
The night vision camera provides clear pictures at night time.
Audio is one way, you can speak to your pet, but you can’t hear them.
Camera is also one way, you can see your pet, but they can’t see you.
Petzi works outside the U.S. but depending on where you live, you’d need to get the appropriate adapter.
There is no video recording option. You can watch a live stream, and you can take pictures.
It does not have a laser pointer toy as some other pet cams do such as the Petcube pet cam.