Cat Ball Pit
I saw this recently and wanted to share the video. I make card board house structures for my cats and this is a ball pit for cats. I’ve followed Cole and Marmalade for awhile. If you haven’t heard of them, you should check out their videos. Both are adorable and quite entertaining.
It looks like the structure is homemade with 4 boxes cut down to the same size. The top is simply a smaller box with holes large enough for the balls to fit though.
Even if you don’t want to do all balls, I’m sure your cats would have fun with different cats toys in each section. You can chose larger boxes and make some of the openings large enough for your cats to walk through them. It’s amazing how much fun cats have with a plain old box.
A corrugated cardboard scratching pad would be another idea to put in the boxes. Sprinkle some cat nip on them and your cats will love them. The ideas are endless, and regardless of what you put in your boxes, I’m sure your cats will be happy.