Yeowww! Banana Catnip Toy
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If you have a cat, then you’ve probably seen or heard of the Yeowww! brand catnip toys. Cats are big fans of catnip which is why they absolutely love these toys.
Best Catnip Toy
The Yeowww! banana catnip toy is one my cats’ favorite toys. I originally found these in a boutique shop when I was on vacation and was attracted by the bright color. The catnip smell is also very strong, so I knew my cats would play with it.
Video note: I checked and they do still make all the ones I mentioned. I include a full list further down the page. 🙂
Once I gave it to one of my cats it was very clear I’d have to buy more because they all wanted to play with it. Originally it was an impulse buy, and when I searched for them online, I discovered what a great company it was which made me even more happy to buy more.
Yeowww Brand Pros
- Stuffed with 100% organic catnip
- Durable – made of high-quality cotton twill & hand sewn
- Unique design handmade in the USA
- Fragrant, potent catnip
Yeowww Brand Cons
- Can’t put them in the wash (have to spot wash or vacuum them)
- In time get flatter & less fragrant (due to cat biting, kicking, licking them)
Yeowww! makes several different catnip toys and sells their own organic catnip. So after months of your cat playing with them, you can freshen them up by putting some catnip on them. I’ve found that my cats still play with the older flatten ones.

There are many designs and options, so if you don’t like the banana, there are plenty of other shapes to choose from for your cat.
Catnip Toy Designs
- Cigar Three Pack Tin (3 brown cigars in a Yeowww! tin)
- My Cats Balls (green/yellow, blue, multi-color)
- “Stinkies” Catnip Sardines (multi-color in a Yeowww! sardines can tin)
- Rainbow
- Hearrrt Attacks (3 versions embroidered with “Yeowww!”, “Happy Kitty”, “Lick me. Bite me. Bunnykick me.”)
- Pollock Fish
- Green and Yellow Fish
- Catnip Pillows
- Banana
- Cigar (original brown)
- Big Baby Cigar (comes in baby blue & pink)
- Apple
- Sour Puss! Lemon
- Triangles (comes yellow, pink, green)
- Chubby Mouse
- Lady Krinkle Bug
Additionally, there are also holiday-themed designs which can make a great gift for your cat to celebrate the season. These also make unique gifts for any cat owners.
Holiday Designs
- Yeowww!-loween Pumpkin
- Kris Krinkle
- Dreidel Krinkle
- Catspurrr The Friendly Ghost
- Yeowww!-Tide Candy Cane
Final Thoughts
You can’t go wrong with these toys. I have purchased a bunch of bananas, a couple of carrots, an apple, a lemon, a pumpkin, a candy cane, the Kris Krinkle tree and a few brown cigars. My cats play with them all. As far as size goes, the bananas, cigar and candy cane are the longest of what I’ve bought, and the lemon and apple were the thickest from the above list, and both were fairly round. The carrots were smaller than the other ones as you can see in the picture below. My suggestion if you are a first-time purchaser is to go with the banana.

As you can see, many of these are very “played-with”, and it’s time to get some new ones. The lemon was puked on by one of my cats, so I decided to get rid of it. It was kind of worn anyhow, so I didn’t think it was worth it to try to wipe it clean to salvage it at this point.
For my next purchase, I’m going to try some new shapes and probably get a new lemon too, and I will report back on my findings here. So be on the lookout for an addition to this review and maybe I’ll record a new video when the box arrives at my house.