Cat Blog

pet carpet cleaner

Pet Carpet Cleaner

For pet owners, having clean carpets and floors means you likely own a pet steam cleaner. There is a particular kind of satisfaction that comes with having a neat and tidy house. Having pets can sometimes make this a difficult task. Taking care of your pet requires serious effort and devotion. At times you have…


6 Benefits of Owning a Cat

Animals if treated properly and with care have long been the human kind’s best friends. These wonderful creations have been tamed by humans since ancient era, and now you probably will find 3 out of 10 families owning one pet or another. So, if you are also planning on adopting a cat, then here are…


Foster Kittens

For the past couple of months, I have been fostering kittens. There’s 4 of them, two brothers and two sisters. One of the boys is all black and has huge paws. The other boy has double thumbs on each front paw. One of the girls is mostly black with long fur, and the other girl…


Animal Hearted Cat Shirts

Cat lovers like us are never at a loss when it comes to cat-themed products. Coffee mugs, jewelry, pillows, shower curtain – you name it, there’s probably someone who put a cat on it! What’s the most popular cat item of all? An adorable cat shirt of course. A while back I posted a blog…


Pet Cam Sale

Want a pet cam? The March Spring 2017 sale is on now, and you can get a discounted price a popular interactive pet camera. The Petcube Play is currently on sale. It is a great interactive pet camera for you to keep an eye on your cats. Reasons to Buy a Pet Cam You can…


Ѕіmрlе Тірs Fоr Geriatric Саt Health Саrе

Owners of aging cats wіll probably bе mоrе than fаmіlіаr with саt health саrе, having spent sеvеrаl years caring fоr their fеlіnе friends. Ноwеvеr аs your feline аgеs, саt health саrе tаkеs оn а nеw importance. Often extra vіgіlаnсе is required tо ensure the cat remains іn gооd health as they get into their senior years. For those who have…


Outdoor Cat Houses

It’s winter, and that means snow and cold and ice. For those with outdoor cats, you know a little bit of bad weather isn’t going to keep them indoors. Even though they will likely come in on those bad days when it’s really cold, your cat will eventually venture back out. The Outdoor Cat Shelter…

gift card sale

Gift Card Deal Alert

This is a limited time deal. If you shop at Target, you want to check this out. 10% off Target Gift Cards SUNDAY ONLY. Valid 12/4 I already got one for the maximum of $300 because I shop online at Target all the time. You don’t get the 5% off using your REDcard on this…

cyber monday pet deals

Cyber Monday Pet Deals

Who’s spending the weekend shopping? I know I am and have been. The deals are outstanding. I look forward to this weekend every year. Cyber Monday Deals for Your Pets As you know now is the time of year to get incredible deals for your family, friends and pets. Don’t forget to stock up now…