Cat Blog


Cardboard Cat House

All cats deserve to have some kind of cat structure so here’s a way to make a cardboard cat house on the cheap. You only really need three things that you probably already have lying around the house, or you can get free or for minimal cost. Cardboard Box House Materials you will need: Boxes…


Do Cats Need Supplements?

There are a lot of supplements on the market not just for people, but for your pets too. Recently I was asked whether supplements are worthwhile for cats. From experience, I can say I’ve had a couple of cats who I did give supplements to based on my veterinarian’s direction. One cat had a knee…


Eco Friendly Cat Furniture

While surfing the web, I saw this Kickstarter project for Eco Cat furniture included in my list of recommended sites. I thought it was uniquely interesting, and I wanted to write a brief post about it. For those who aren’t aware of what Kickstarter is, it’s a site where anyone who has an idea they…